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People of God Do Extraordinary Things: May 22, 2022

People of God Do Extraordinary Things: May 22, 2022

 Year C, Easter 6                                                                  John 14:23-29                                                                                                    Poor Judas (not Isacriot)---he gets one line, one recognition in the...

Waiting for the morning: April 17, 2022

Waiting for the morning: April 17, 2022

Year C, Easter                                                             Luke 24:1-12                                                                                    When I was in the hospital, I hated the night.  Visitors had to leave at 8pm and could not return...

The Wine has Not Run Out: January 16, 2022

The Wine has Not Run Out: January 16, 2022

SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY  THE REV. DANA VANVLIET-PULLIN YEAR C  JOHN 2:1-11 It seems like it was just Christmas and we were celebrating the birth of Jesus. It was just a few weeks ago we were decorating a tree, opening presents, celebrating with family. But then...

Too Much Magic: January 2, 2022

Too Much Magic: January 2, 2022

 Epiphany  Year C                                           Matthew 2:1-12                                                       Over the last month several people have commented to me how wonderful it is to have Christmas with a child.  They often tell me to enjoy...

Google has no good news:  December 24

Google has no good news: December 24

Year C, Christmas                  Isaiah 9:2-7  and Luke 2:1-20                                                                                 This Christmas was supposed to be our triumphant return...or maybe that was last Christmas. At some point, we were supposed...

Joy and a Brood of Vipers:  December 12, 2021

Joy and a Brood of Vipers: December 12, 2021

Advent 3, Year C                                  Zephaniah 3:14-20                                                      I have been ordained for 16 years now and  it’s taken me about that long to grow accustomed to the lectionary readings that we read every Advent. ...