Blessed isn’t always happy: Feb 2 2025
Year C, The Presentation Luke 2:22-40 The summer after my senior year of college, I interned in a tiny town outside of Harrisburg. The youth in...
We can all be miracle workers: January 19
Year C, Epiphany 2 John 2:1-11 & 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 One of the most well-known miracles in the Bible is when Jesus turned water into wine. There are a couple of reasons for...
Real Love: January 12, 2025
Year C, Epiphany 1 Isaiah 43:1-7 In 2002, the newly formed Department of Homeland Security created a tool that they hoped would warn people of potential...
Kings of Defiance: January 5 2025
Year C, Christmas 2/Epiphany Matthew 2:1-12 The first church I served put on a rather elaborate Christmas pageant every year. The sanctuary was transformed to the hills of Bethlehem. ...
Christmas in the Dark: Dec. 25, 2024
Year C, Christmas Isaiah 9:2-7 “The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined.” We hear a lot of...
Redemption is here: December 1
Year C, Advent 1 Luke 21:25-36 Every year when Advent comes along, I have 2 contrasting thoughts: “Dear God, not these readings again.” AND “Oh good, these readings...
Don’t be alarmed: November 17, 2024
Year B, Pentecost 26 Mark 13:1-8 Do you remember at the beginning of COVID, when every time you turned on the news or checked your newsfeed, it was a string of stories about how horrible things were looking? If I were to...
Alleluia Anyways: November 10
Year B, Pentecost 25 Psalm 146 I often direct people to the Psalms when they are struggling with prayer. Many times people need direction in...
Tearing up the Shroud of Death: November 3
Year B, All Saints Isaiah 25:6-9 It’s complicated. All Saint’s Sunday is complicated. This is partly...
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