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Marked as Christ’s Own: May 30th 2021

Marked as Christ’s Own: May 30th 2021

 Year B, Trinity Sunday                                                    Romans 8:12-17                                                                       One of the parts of my job I have always enjoyed is talking with parents and Godparents before a baptism....

Linger in God’s Word:  May 16, 2021

Linger in God’s Word: May 16, 2021

 Year B, Pentecost 7                                              Psalm 1 and Acts 1:15-17, 21-26                                                    Acts chapter one tells us about one of the first big decisions that the apostles had to make after Jesus’ resurrection...

May 2, 2021: Being right isn’t enough

May 2, 2021: Being right isn’t enough

 Year B, Easter 5                                                                 1 John 4:7-21                                                                          In the church, we like to discuss the humility of Jesus Christ.  Typically when we are referring to...

Time for Renewal: April 18, 2021

Year B, Easter 3                                                       Luke 24:36-48                                                                                 There is a theory that every 500 years or so, the church goes through a major upheaval and changes...

Easter: April 4, 2021

Easter: April 4, 2021

Easter, Year B                                                                       Mark 16: 1-8                                                                          When we had to close our church building last year weeks before Easter, I thought that would be...

Slightly Alive: March 15, 2021

 Year B, Lent 4                                                           Ephesians 2:1-10                                                                                             One of my favorite movies is the Princess Bride.  If you have not seen it, you...