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Risky Business: Nov. 15th  2020

Risky Business: Nov. 15th 2020

 Year A, Pentecost 24                                  Matthew 25:14-30                 This is one of those parables that’s a bit confusing.  It starts with Jesus telling a story about a man he refers to as a master.  In this story the master went away and left...

God Plays the Long Game: Nov. 1, 2020

God Plays the Long Game: Nov. 1, 2020

Year A, All Saints                                               1 John 3:1-3, Matthew 5:1-12                  If you read too much about All Saint’s Day, you will get confused.  It’s kind of a weird day. Most Episcopal churches celebrate it by reading the names of...

Religion and Politics: October 18, 2020

Religion and Politics: October 18, 2020

 Matthew 22: 15-22                                                              October 18, 2020        At some point in 9thor 10th grade, I became obsessed with politics.  I think it was the presidential election that got me interested and maybe living in Northern...

Rejoice? Peace? Really?: October 11, 2020

Rejoice? Peace? Really?: October 11, 2020

 Year A, Pentecost 19                                                              Philippians 4:1-9                                                       “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice…The Lord is near.  Do not worry about anything…”  When I...

REMEMBER THE BIG PICTURE: September 27, 2020

REMEMBER THE BIG PICTURE: September 27, 2020

Year A, Pentecost                                                                               Philippians 2:1-13                                                                                                                                                         ...

For the Good of the Whole: Sept 13, 2020

Year A, Pentecost 15                                                            Romans 14:1-12                                                                                               If you had asked me one year ago, if I would ever use this tacky gadget to...