Year A, Pentecost 12 Matthew 16:13-20 I was recently talking to a friend who is not Christian, but is considering becoming a Christian. While she believes in...
Blog Category
Prisoner of Hope: June 18, 2023
Year A, Pentecost 3 Romans 5:1-8 Desmond Tutu was the Archbishop of Cape Town South Africa for over 30 years. For even longer than that he led the fight...
Bold Worship: May 28, 2023
Year A, Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 It started as a simple chapel service at Asbury University on Feb 8th, where the assistant soccer coach...
The Holy Spirit is Super Glue: May 14, 2023
Year A, Easter 6 John 14:15-21 In one church I served, we had a dayschool and every week we had chapel for the 2-5 year olds. It was tricky coming...
Why are we shooting each other? April 23
Year A, Easter 3 Luke 24:13-35 In the past week, there have been 4 incidents of people being shot for being in the wrong place and being a stranger. The...
Feet Can be Gross: Maundy Thursday
John 13: 1-17, 31b-35 April 6, 2023 Some people are weird about feet. I have never been one of those people. I can’t say that I get excited about foot washing, but it also doesn’t unnerve me as...