Year B, Lent 3 John 2:13-22 When I walked into this church for the first time, it took my breath away. It was a beautiful day and the sun was streaming through the windows...
Blog Category
How God Changes: March 3, 2024
Genesis 9:8-17 Year B, Lent 3 The story of Noah, the ark, and the rainbow is immensely popular, especially with children. Thus, it has come up in numerous conversations with my son. At first, we were just...
Words are not Weapons: Dec. 31, 20023
Year B, Christmas 1 John 1:1-18 In the first church I served, Christmas Eve featured the traditional gospel reading from Luke 2 which includes the story of Jesus’ birth with Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the...
What Mary Knew: Christmas Eve
Year B, Christmas Eve Luke 2:1-20 I am going to share a little clergy secret…which you would only know if you followed dozens and...
When the Gospel Gets Risky: Nov 19, 2023
Year A, Pentecost 25 Matthew 25:14-30 If you were so inclined, you could read 10 different commentaries about this gospel reading and discover 10...
Jesus is even in the conflicts: Sept 10, 2023
Year A, Pentecost 15 Matthew 18:15-20 The first time I looked at the Gospel reading for Sunday, I thought…great…it’s my last Sunday and the Gospel reading is about church discipline. Maybe the epistle reading is...