Limited Access to Office: In accordance with COVID-19 guidelines and an uptick in numbers, the church office will be open by appointment only. If you would like to make an appointment, please call the office at 757-722-2567 or e-mail us at gro.notpmahsnhojts@eciffo.
Annual Meeting: Our Annual Meeting will be held on January 24 at 10:30am over Zoom. Here is the link to access the meeting. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom and would like to participate, click here for a step-by-step guide. We will be sending out information about the nominees early next week.
Bible Study “Re-ZOOMs” in January with Isaiah: Our Wednesday Bible Study will begin a study of Isaiah in January. We will begin the study meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, January 20 at 3pm. We are just beginning so this is a perfect time to join us. Contact Mark if you would like to be a part of the discussion, or if you would like to establish an additional meeting time or study: gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram / 757-722-2567
“Double Blessing” Food Drive Due Sunday, January 17: For everyone who contributed: THANK YOU! Please contact the office if you have food to contribute. The need for food assistance remains high, so we would like to deliver as soon as possible. Questions? Contact: gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram.
H.E.L.P. Pantry Most-Requested List: Due to the added financial burdens as a result of the pandemic, more families are seeking food assistance and pantries nationwide are struggling to keep up with the increased need. Locally, H.E.L.P. compiled a list of most needed items: Canned Fruit, Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Pasta Meals, Apple Sauce, Crackers, 1lb. bags of Rice, Juice, Dry Milk, Dry Beans, Pork & Beans, and Cereal. St. John’s serves as a donation/delivery point for H.E.L.P if you would like to add your support to their pantry needs. Questions? Contact: gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram.
Prayers for our Nation on Facebook Live: Samantha has been meeting with a group of Hampton pastors weekly since June. This is the group that hosted the Faith Walk in June. Below is an invitation to join this group in prayer. Samantha will host the 6pm prayer service on Monday with the rector of Emmanuel and Eleanor Brown. Faith – Walk Hampton: Taking The Next Step: We, faith leaders and community, lament for the brokenness on display in our city and our country; and, we pray with longing for the all-encompassing shalom that comes only through our Lord Jesus Christ. We offer this and invite you to pray with us at 6:00am and 6:00pm Monday thru Wednesday, January 18th – 20th, 2021. You may join us Facebook Live on the “Faith – Walk Hampton” page. Click here.
COVID Vaccine: You can visit the state health department website to find out when you will be eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. Answer a few questions about where you live and work, and you can find out which phase of the vaccination campaign you fall into. You can also sign up to be notified by text or email when your phase is being vaccinated. Go online for more information on the different phases.
Pledge Envelopes: If you would like to come pick up your pledge envelopes, please call the church office to arrange a time for pick up. If you cannot get to the church and live in Hampton, we will deliver it.
Memorial Monument Modification Special Committee Update: Under the Chairmanship and leadership of Linda Curtis, the Committee had three meetings prior to Christmas. We have heard from Hampton African American leaders, both clergy and lay, and have additional meetings scheduled where we have invited Episcopalians from Emmanuel and St. Cyprians and local citizens. The Committee’s charge is to present a recommendation to the vestry, where the final decision will be made. To accomplish this task, we seek to examine and explore all aspects of this memorial, and as such, we are seeking input not only from our parishioners, but also from others with a variety of viewpoints and opinions. In addition to Linda Curtis, the Committee members are David Bishop, Heidi Wallace, Jay Hogg, Phyllis Henry, Susan Edmonson and William Hudgins. We are interested to hear from you, so please feel free to contact a member of the committee. We appreciate and highly value your support and prayers as we move forward. – Charlie Edmonson, Senior Warden