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Jesus is even in the conflicts: Sept 10, 2023

Jesus is even in the conflicts: Sept 10, 2023

Year A, Pentecost 15                                         Matthew 18:15-20                 The first time I looked at the Gospel reading for Sunday, I thought…great…it’s my last Sunday and the Gospel reading is about church discipline. Maybe the epistle reading is...

May 2, 2021: Being right isn’t enough

May 2, 2021: Being right isn’t enough

 Year B, Easter 5                                                                 1 John 4:7-21                                                                          In the church, we like to discuss the humility of Jesus Christ.  Typically when we are referring to...

Stay at the Table:  January 31, 2021

Stay at the Table: January 31, 2021

 Year B, Epiphany 4                                             1 Corinthians 8                                                             Often times we read scripture and it’s easy to see how it relates to our life.  But today’s readings seem completely irrelevant...