Ushers Needed: As a result of the pandemic we have fewer ushers available to help. Obviously, we would never want someone who is uncomfortable coming to church at this time to usher. We are extraordinarily grateful to the ushers who are helping . All that said, we could use a few more. If you are interested in helping, please contact Dan Clark at: moc.loa@iblckd or 810-3620. You are welcome to state a preference for which service you would like to usher for.
Altar Guild Members: Have you ever considered being on the altar guild but didn’t think you had the time? Now is your time, because it will be much less time-consuming right now. Even if you can only join for the duration of the pandemic, we would be grateful for your help. Since communion has been simplified and there is only one morning service, altar guild members would only need to come in on Sundays (as opposed to Saturday morning). You also will not need to bring the elements forward. If you are interested, or just a little curious, please contact Lynn Kirkland at: moc.liamg@3977dnalkrikl or 532-1528.
Movie Night! Please join us for a family friendly OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT! Friday, September 25 at 7pm. Bring your lawn chair or picnic blanket. The feature film will be MOANA.
Home Communion: We are delighted to be celebrating communion again on Sundays. However, we know that some will not feel comfortable attending. If you would like a clergy person to bring you communion, please contact Samantha (gro.notpmahsnhojts@rotcerjs), Mark (gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram), or the church office (722-2567). Our preference will be to share communion with you on a porch, deck, or front stoop if possible. We know that will not work for some and we can come inside if that is the only option. We are just trying to keep everyone as safe as possible!