Zoom Coffee Hour: Zoom Coffee Hour will take a hiatus. There will be no coffee hour today. Please join us next week (November 15) for our adult forum after the 9:15am service.
Adult Forum: The adult forum is back with a special guest, The Rev. John D. Ericson. He will be presenting on November 15 at 10:15am on the topic of Race and the Church. Race, as we know it today, is a social construct rather than a scientific designation. It was invented in the context of Colonial Virginia in support of an economy that needed a cheap source of labor for its tobacco product. Learn how this changing definition of race made its way into law and how English Colonists in Virginia changed their identity from that of Christian to White persons. We will also record it so you can watch from home.
November Newsletter: If you have any stories or announcements that you would like to have included in the November newsletter, please send them to gro.notpmahsnhojts@snoitacinummoc by Thursday, November 12. Thank you!
Flower Deliverers Needed: Did you know that every Sunday we bring our lovely flowers from the altar to parishioners who are either celebrating an event or just need a little sunshine in their life? It’s true! But it is harder and harder to do that, as most of our flower deliverers are unable due to COVID. Please consider volunteering to deliver flowers once a month. It’s a great way to connect with other people from the parish and remind people that we care.
Home Communion: We are delighted to be celebrating communion again on Sundays. However, we know that some will not feel comfortable attending. If you would like a clergy person to bring you communion, please contact Samantha (gro.notpmahsnhojts@rotcerjs), Mark (gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram), or the church office (722-2567). Our preference will be to share communion with you on a porch, deck, or front stoop if possible. We know that will not work for some and we can come inside if that is the only option. We are just trying to keep everyone as safe as possible!
Prayers for our Nation: A St. John’s parishioner suggested that we pray for our nation every day at noon. You can do this anywhere with any words that you choose. The idea is that we know somewhere, other members of St. John’s are praying for our country. While you can pray in any way that you would like, the Book of Common Prayer is a treasure trove of prayers. Therefore, we will be providing a different one every week. Here is this week’s: Gracious God, we give thanks for military men and women, both from the past and present, and for their courageous service and sacrifice to our country and its people to secure the blessings of life, liberty, and justice for all. May our remembrance be a timely reminder that our freedom was purchased at high cost, and should not be taken for granted. Give us resolve to labor in faithful service to you until all share the benefits of freedom, justice, and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.