Changes to COVID Guidelines: Please note the changes that will go into effect this Sunday and next Sunday: Changes as on May 30: · Masks will only be required for those who are not yet vaccinated. This is for both indoor and outdoor service and fellowship. · There will be no social distancing requirements. The ropes have been removed. · All are allowed and encouraged to sing. · All books have returned to the pews. · 6 pews in front will be reserved for those who prefer to remain socially distant. Changes for June 6: · No more registrations. · Ice cream fellowship after the 10:45 service. · Food is allowed at events, but it must be single serve or self-contained. What will remain the same for the time being: · Communion. · Offering plates are at the front of the church but will not be passed out. · Nursery is closed until we have staff to cover it.
Music Camp is happening again! If you were part of our past music camp for kids, you know it was a blast and a wonderful opportunity to make our church known in the community as a place for kids to come and learn. This year it will be held the week of July 18-22 from 9am-12pm each day. We need teachers and helpers for each of the 4 classes and the musical. Now that we can safely come back together, this is to be the event of the summer and WE ARE READY FOR IT! All your class plans and supplies will be prepared for you. Please consider joining us as a teacher, a helper or just helping behind the scenes. We need everyone to make this camp a top notch event at St Johns. Contact Deborah at moc.liamg@35rracharobed for more information.
Monday Night Book Club: No book club on Monday, 31 May. We will finish Part II of Hamnet on 7 June. Our next book will be While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams, a gripping, complexly plotted thriller set within the halls of the U.S. Supreme Court. If you are interested in joining us, let Linda McMahon know at moc.liamg@nwodhsalps.adnil.
Bible Study on Isaiah: We are currently working on the beginning section of Isaiah. We are still meeting via Zoom on Wednesdays at 3pm and may be moving to a “hybrid” of both in person and via Zoom. Use this link. Questions? Contact gro.notpmahsnhojts@rotcertnatsissa or 757-722-2567. Drop-ins are always welcomed!
Chanco on the James: Summer Jobs and Info about Summer Camp! Chanco on the James Camp and Retreat Center is HIRING SUMMER CAMP STAFF: Positions include counselor, sailing instructor, ropes course staff, and photographer. Benefits include housing, meals, training and compensation. Email gro.ocnahc@smargorp for an application or more information.
St. John’s team to Clean the Bay: We hope you will join our Clean the Bay Day team on Saturday, June 5. By participating in Clean the Bay Day 2021, our team has taken the pledge to get outside, pick up litter, and work to improve the well-being of the 18 million people and 3,000 species of plants and animals that call the watershed home. We will meet in the parking lot across from the Virginia Air & Space Science Center at 9am. Our goal is to clean the public land from the Center to the end of Mill Point Park. If you are unable to join us, please consider donating to Chesapeake Bay Foundation in our team’s name. Cris from the Hampton Clean City Commission is loaning us equipment (bags, gloves, vests, and poles to pick up trash remotely) once again. For those interested, we plan on a “bring your own picnic” afterwards. For more information or to sign up, contact Linda McMahon at moc.liamg@nwodhsalps.adnil.
Plaque and Contextual Marker for the Confederate Memorial: We have ordered the plaque and contextual marker for our Confederate Memorial. The vestry voted unanimously to use the funds from our Memorial Fund to cover the expense. The Memorial Fund is not part of the operating budget. Neither your pledge nor your Sunday offering is part of the Memorial Fund. This fund is made up of undesignated donations from members and nonmembers. The donations are meant to be used for tangible items associated with the church. For instance, we used the Memorial Fund to purchase the torches that the acolytes carry, robes for Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and a repair to one of our cruets (what is used to hold the wine). Most recently we used the Memorial Fund for audio visual equipment. There is plenty of money in this fund to cover the cost of the plaque and contextual marker. If you feel passionately about this project, you may donate to the Memorial Fund.