Sunday Service at 10:30 am: Our service will once again be on facebook live. The link is: There are directions on how to use facebook live at the bottom of the announcements.
Adult forum on Saturdays at 10am: We will be doing a study of the Gospel of Matthew on zoom Saturday mornings. The link for the zoom meeting is: If you do not have a computer, you can call this#: +1 312 626 6799. The meeting ID is 863 4063 8720. We will be using The Good Book Club. There are assigned readings for each day. We are behind as this was intended to start after Easter. If you look at the readings below, we will be reading April 20th through the 26th or chapters 6 through 11 of Matthew. We have also provided a link for an introduction to the Gospel of Matthew.
New Website: We have a new website! Please check it out:
Lil’ FREE PANTRY SUPPLIES: We are looking for donations of shelf-stable, easy open, ready to eat products along with individually wrapped utensils, clean socks, and water. Our youth at St. John’s saw a need to serve their local community by providing a way to have Ready-to-Eat foods available 24/7. The pantry sits on Queen’s Way for easy access and visibility (over 50 items have already cycled through!). If you would like to contribute: Place them right in the pantry or if the pantry is full, you can also place items by the kitchen door of the parish hall; please call/email the office with questions: 757-722-2567 or gro.notpmahsnhojts@eciffo.
CONTEST: Lil’ Free Pantry utensil* contest. Help us, help others. We are trying to include pre-package utensils with the each item in our pantry. Here is how you can help: collect all your pre-packaged extra carry-out utensils you have collected over the past weeks and win an award! The Top TWO donations will win a special prize. Contact Mark to arrange drop off or pick-up (*note: they must be pre-wrapped)! You can help others and clear out space in a drawer.
BIBLE STUDY Re-Zooooms: Our Wednesday Bible study has restarted and we will meet via Zoom on Wednesday at 3:00 PM. We are continuing our study on The Revelation to John. Contact Mark if you would like to join in on the discussion. gro.notpmahsnhojts@kraM or 757-722-2567.
Graduates: We would like to celebrate all of our graduates. If you have a graduate from high school or college this year, please let us know! Please email full name of graduate, name of school (college please include degree earned) and plans for next year to Shannon. gro.notpmahsnhojts@eciffo.
Samantha’s Sabbatical Postponed: As some of you know, I had a three month sabbatical planned to begin on May 24th. Given that our nation and world is in the middle of a pandemic, I feel that I need to be present (or as present as possible) with you. I will not be taking a three month sabbatical this summer. -Samantha
Pledging: We understand that this is a difficult time for many. However, if you are still able, please send your pledge or donation to St. John’s (100 W. Queens Way Hampton, Va 23669). Your pledge envelopes can be used as mailing envelopes. We are checking our mail and making deposits. While some of our expenses are slightly down, the majority remain the same.
Zoom Coffee Hour: We will be having our zoom coffee hour again.The theme will be announced at the beginning of the coffee hour. You can even participate if you don’t have computer. If you don’t have a computer, you can call in using the number below. Please know that you can mute your computer, which means there will be less feedback when you are not talking. If you do not have a camera on your computer, you can still participate, we just won’t be able to see your face. Below is a link. All you need to do is follow the link. You can practice ahead of time if you have never done it before. We will begin after the 10:30 facebook live service which will be about 11:15am. Meeting ID: 605 575 060. If you can’t use a computer, call: 646- 876-9923
Financial Support: Please remember that St. John’s has funds to help support people (especially members of the parish) who might be struggling right now. Contact the clergy if you are in need of assistance. Our Charitable Trust has already donated $20,000 to local non-profits.
FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT: Click on this link: If you do not have a Facebook account, the link will still take you to the St. John’s Facebook page. A box will pop up asking you to log on. There should be an option that says, “not now.” You can click on that option and you will see our Facebook page. If you are trying to watch at the time of the service (9pm or 10:30am), the video will be the first thing you see. If you do not see it, you will see on the left hand side. It will look like this:

Click on the “videos” link. All of the videos will come up. The most recent should come up first.You can watch the video at anytime. We are encouraging people to watch at the time of the service (9pm or 10:30am) so we can worship together.
FOR THOSE WHO DO HAVE AN ACCOUNT: Click on this link: If you are logged into Facebook and have an account, it will automatically go there.If you are trying to watch at the time of the service (9pm or 10:30am), the video will be the first thing you see. If you do not see it, you will see on the left hand side. It will look like this: