Calling All Graduates: Do you have someone in your household graduating from high school, college or graduate school? We would love to feature them in our June newsletter! Please send their picture, the name of the school they are graduating from, and where they are going (if known) to gro.notpmahsnhojts@snoitacinummoc by May 25.
St. John’s team to Clean the Bay: We hope you will join our Clean the Bay Day team on Saturday, June 5. By participating in Clean the Bay Day 2021, our team has taken the pledge to get outside, pick up litter, and work to improve the wellbeing of the 18 million people and 3,000 species of plants and animals that call the watershed home. Be sure to wear a safety vest or bright shirt, bring a mask and sturdy work gloves. We will meet in the parking lot across from the Virginia Air & Space Science Center at 9am. Our goal is to clean the public land from Center to the end of Mill Point Park. If you are unable to join us, please consider donating to Chesapeake Bay Foundation in our team’s name. For more information or to sign up, contact Linda McMahon at moc.liamg@nwodhsalps.adnil.
Spring/Summer 2021 Service Times: Thank you to everyone who filled out the worship preferences survey. Beginning on Pentecost, May 23, will be moving to two services: one indoors at 9:15am, and another outdoors at 10:45am. The 9:15am service will continue to be live streamed to the church YouTube channel. Registration and masking will be required for both the indoor and outdoor services as before. Congregational singing will be allowed at the outdoor service. In the event of rain or temperatures above 85 degrees, the outdoor service will be moved indoors.
Playground Dedication on Pentecost: On Pentecost, May 23, following the 10:45am outdoor service, we will have a dedication ceremony for the new(ish) playground. The playground will be dedicated to the memory of Tommy Sinclair. While we will not have our traditional picnic, there will be plenty of food and fellowship. We encourage all who are able to attend!
Plaque and Contextual Marker for the Confederate Memorial: We have ordered the plaque and contextual marker for our Confederate Memorial. The vestry voted unanimously to use the funds from our Memorial Fund to cover the expense. The Memorial Fund is not part of the operating budget. Neither your pledge nor your Sunday offering is part of the Memorial Fund. This fund is made up of undesignated donations from members and nonmembers. The donations are meant to be used for tangible items associated with the church. For instance, we used the Memorial Fund to purchase the torches that the acolytes carry, robes for Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and a repair to one of our cruets (what is used to hold the wine). Most recently we used the Memorial Fund for audio visual equipment. There is plenty of money in this fund to cover the cost of the plaque and contextual marker. If you feel passionately about this project, you may donate to the Memorial Fund.
Bible Study on Isaiah: We are currently working on the beginning section of Isaiah. We are still meeting via Zoom on Wednesdays at 3pm and may be moving to a “hybrid” of both in person and via Zoom. Use this link. Questions? Contact gro.notpmahsnhojts@rotcertnatsissa or 757-722-2567. Drop-ins are always welcomed!
Monday Night Book Club: We will finish reading The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller on Monday, May 10. We will start the book Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell. It is a fictional account of Shakespeare’s son, Hamnet, who died at age 11 in 1596. It won the 2020 Women’s Prize for Fiction and the Fiction Prize at the 2020 National Book Critics Circle Awards. If you are interested in joining us, let Linda McMahon know at moc.liamg@nwodhsalps.adnil.
Chanco on the James: Summer Jobs and Info about Summer Camp! Chanco on the James Camp and Retreat Center is HIRING SUMMER CAMP STAFF: Positions include counselor, sailing instructor, ropes course staff, and photographer. Benefits include housing, meals, training and compensation. Email gro.ocnahc@smargorp for an application or more information. LEARN MORE ABOUT ATTENDING SUMMER CAMP: Informational Zoom on May 22 from 1-5pm.