Our Confederate Memorial: This Sunday we will have a meeting regarding our confederate memorial. The meeting will take place directly after the 9:15 service. The reason for having the meeting directly after the service is to eliminate the need to sanitize the church between the service and the meeting. It also eliminates the need to register twice for the same day. The bishop has recommended a consultant who will mediate the meeting, The Rev. Peter Stimpson. This is especially important given the limitations we have due to COVID 19. He will also provide an objective presence. The goal for the meeting is to listen to one another, not debate. The vestry will be present and eager to hear your thoughts.
Survey still needed: Please complete the brief survey so we can get an idea of how people feel about coming back to church. Even if you have already attended a service, we still need you to fill out the survey. While we are eager to get back to in person worship, we are also concerned about safety. No person who is not ready to return should feel compelled to do so. Online worship will still be available.You will find the Survey Monkey link for the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T9587HL
Pledges and Online Giving: Thank you for keeping up with your pledge! We are most grateful. Even if you are not able to attend, you can still send in a check. If you already give that way, we hope you will keep doing so. While online giving is a great option, tithely does take a percentage of the gift. You can find the link on our website here: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/1893308
Cleaning supplies: We have some disinfectant wipes, but could use more. We are desperately in need of disinfectant spray. If you can donate any, please do!
Lil’ Free Pantry Supplies: We are looking for donations of shelf-stable, easy open, ready to eat products along with individually wrapped utensils, clean socks, and water. Our youth saw a need to serve their local community by creating a place for “Ready-to-Eat” food available 24/7. To Contribute: Place items in the pantry (Note: it is a public space, so sanitize hands afterward) Or place items in the tub located by door under the green awning of the parish hall. Questions: 757-722-2567 or gro.notpmahsnhojts@eciffo.
Bible Study – “ZOOOMING” into James: Our Wednesday Bible study continues with a new study: The Letter of James. We will meet via Zoom on Wednesday at 3:00 PM. We are just beginning this rather short study so this is a perfect time to join us. Contact Mark if you would like to join in on the discussion. gro.notpmahsnhojts@kraM or 757-722-2567.