Zoom Coffee Hour: We are still having Zoom coffee hour at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. We’d love for you to join us! Use this link.
Bishop’s New Guidelines: The Bishop has determined that no church can have an indoor, in-person service until the percent positivity rate is below 8% in their region for two consecutive weeks. Hampton is currently at 18.5%. Outdoor services are allowed, but for less than 25 people with the same rules we followed inside. We plan to resume outdoor services at the end of March for Palm Sunday.
Confederate Memorial Update: The committee continues to meet weekly under the faithful leadership of our chair, Linda Curtis. The committee is making progress and will most likely make a recommendation to the Vestry before the June deadline. The recommendation will then go to the Vestry who will deliberate and vote on the recommendation. Please remember that the Vestry ruled out removal of the statue or relocation. The committee was asked to look at modifications.
New Vestry Members: Welcome to our new Vestry members: Elizabeth Zimmerman, Jay Hogg and Anne Abraham. And thank you to our outgoing Vestry members: Denine Miller, Stephen Rous and Ruth Simmons.
Limited Access to Office: In accordance with COVID-19 guidelines and an uptick in numbers, the church office will be open by appointment only. If you would like to make an appointment, please call the office at 757-722-2567 or e-mail us at gro.notpmahsnhojts@eciffo.
Bible Study “Re-ZOOMs” in January with Isaiah: Our Wednesday Bible study has just started a study on Isaiah. We meet, via Zoom, on Wednesdays at 3:00 PM. We are just beginning so please consider joining this wonderful discussion. Contact Mark for a link to the study: gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram / 757-722-2567, or if you would like to add a new study or time, please contact me.
Calling All Volunteers: 15 minutes of service. I am looking for some volunteers who would assist with restocking items in the LIL’ FREE PANTRY. I am trying to build a regular rotation of people to help stock the items we already receive from the monetary donations and weekly food donations from St. Mark’s. If you can spare fifteen minutes, please contact Mark via gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram / 757-722-2567
H.E.L.P. Pantry Most-Requested List: Due to the added financial burdens as a result of the pandemic, more families are seeking food assistance and pantries nationwide are struggling to keep up with the increased need. Locally, H.E.L.P. compiled a list of most needed items: Canned Fruit, Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Pasta Meals, Apple Sauce, Crackers, 1lb. bags of Rice, Juice, Dry Milk, Dry Beans, Pork & Beans, and Cereal. St. John’s serves as a donation/delivery point for H.E.L.P if you would like to add your support to their pantry needs. Questions? Contact: gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram.
COVID Vaccine: You can visit the state health department website to find out when you will be eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. Answer a few questions about where you live and work, and you can find out which phase of the vaccination campaign you fall into. You can also sign up to be notified by text or email when your phase is being vaccinated. Go online for more information on the different phases.
Pledge Envelopes: If you would like to come pick up your pledge envelopes, please call the church office to arrange a time for pick up. If you cannot get to the church and live in Hampton, we will deliver it.