Easter Season Book Study: Starting on April 12 at 11am Samantha will lead a conversation on White too Long. In this powerful combination of history, social science, and heartfelt memoir, Robert P. Jones explores the relationship between American Christianity and white supremacy. If you would like to participate, please contact Samantha. Every person will be responsible for purchasing their own book. The book study will last 7 weeks.
Office Closed April 5 & 6: The church office will be closed the Monday and Tuesday after Easter Sunday, April 5 and 6.
No Bible Study on April 7: We will “re-zoom” on April 14 at 3:00pm, beginning at the 19th chapter of Isaiah. We are still meeting via Zoom on Wednesdays at 3:00pm. Contact Mark if you would like to be a part of the discussion: gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram or 757-722-2567. Drop-ins are always welcomed!
Learn about the Chesapeake Bay Foundation: The St. Anne’s Guild invites you to join us as we host the Hampton Roads Director of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Christy Everett, as our guest speaker to our next virtual meeting on April 6 at 10:30am. You do not have to be a St. Anne’s Guild member to attend the lecture. Topics will include the great work being done in our area, and the Brock Environmental Center—an innovate example of an environmentally sensitive and smart building. Send Linda McMahon (moc.liamg@nwodhsalps.adnil) an email to let her know you want to join the session, and she will ensure you get the link.
Confederate Memorial Update: The committee has concluded their work. They were able to reach a consensus. The chair, Linda Curtis, will be creating a report which will then be submitted to the vestry. The vestry will discuss the report in April. We are grateful to Linda and everyone on the committee who worked diligently and completed their task two months before the agreed upon deadline. Thank you to: Linda Curtis, David Bishop, Greg Brauer, Susan Edmonson, Charlie Edmonson (ex officio), Phyllis Henry, Jay Hogg, Will Hudgins, and Heidi Wallace.
Book Club: We’ll finish our review of the book Veritas on March 29 and intend to start The Girl Who Wrote in Silk on April 5. The following book selected is Song of Achilles. Let Linda McMahon (moc.liamg@nwodhsalps.adnil) know if you would like to join the 5:30-6:30pm session.
Camp Chanco Summer 2021: Wondering what Camp Chanco will look like this summer? Come join Chanco’s Live Town Hall Zoom Event on March 31 at 7pm. You are invited to hear first-hand from some of this year’s camp staff about the fun plans in store as well as the safety precautions that will be in place for a healthy and fun summer. Click here for the Zoom link that will go live at 7pm on March 31. Questions? Contact Chanco at (888) 724-2626 or gro.ocnahc@ytilatipsoh. Chanco very much looks forward to welcoming campers back to the woods this summer!
Catherine Dycus Funeral: The funeral for Catherine Dycus will be held on Sunday, April 11 at 12pm in the church. The service will be limited to 55 attendees. Masks and registration are required. Click here to register.