Nursery Closure: The Nursey will be closed today.
Lent Soup and Faith Conversations: Our Lenten program continues Wednesday with a simple meal of soup, salad and bread, and Bob Harper will share part of his faith story. There will be small table conversation if people are moved to share in a small group. It’s amazing what you can learn from someone else’s experience. This is also an opportunity to get to know people a little better. We will meet from 6pm to 7pm in the parish hall. Betsy Clark will share on March 29th.
Adult Christian Formation: For the next few Sunday’s in Lent we will be discussing a series of brief article excerpts that discuss the theme of faithfulness in the midst of life’s struggles. Materials provided weekly. We meet on the stage at 10AM. All are welcome. This week’s materials here:
Children and Youth Christian Formation: We have two Christian Formation classes for children and youth ages 3-7 and ages 8 and up on Sunday mornings at 10am. All are welcome!
NEW Bible Study: Our brand new in-person bible study will meet for the first time on 30 March at Noon. We will meet in the parish hall and locate the space that comfortably accommodates the group. We begin and end in prayer for our St. John’s family and those on our hearts. Questions? Email Mark. gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram.
Zoom Bible Study: If you are unable to join us in person, we will continue offering our separate bible study via zoom. We will begin a new study at 3pm on 22 March 2023. We begin and end in prayer for those on our hearts. Questions? Email: gro.notpmahsnhojts@kram. We welcome all visitors!
Gluten Free Communion Options: Sealed communion packets with gluten free wafers are currently unavailable—it is our hope we’ll be able to offer them before the end of March. Gluten free communion wafers are currently available. Communion can be taken in one kind if the common cup makes you nervous!
Healing Prayer: Healing Prayer is being offered weekly in the chapel during Holy Eucharist at both services. If you would like prayer for healing or any request, our prayer team will be in the chapel during Holy Eucharist to pray with you.
Book Club: The St. John’s Book Club will meet Monday, March 27, at 4pm on the stage in the parish house. For that meeting we will finish reading The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O’Farrell. Our next book will be People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks. New members are welcome! For more information, please contact Susan Edmonson at 757-325-6676 or ten.xoc@4nosnomde.
Blessing Bags: Thank you to everyone for your generous contributions! We’ll continue to collect until after second service, so if you have last-minute donations, don’t delay in getting them to us!
Children’s Bulletins: We have bulletins for children ages 3-6 and 7-12 available at each service. Ask an usher for one or both.
Notes on Today’s Handbells: In 1995 the First Congregational Church of Elyria, Ohio lost one of its handbell choir members Jane Klingman, to cancer. The choir wanted to pay tribute to Jane’s love for God and music through the commissioning of a special arrangement of “Beautiful Savior”, one of her favorite hymns. This arrangement begins on the F/G 5 position played by Jane Klingman, playing the opening of the hymn as a solo and continuing in a meditative manner. Stanza two is in the minor key implying pain, sadness and grief. A musical transition from frustration and anger at death and illness takes us to the realization that death is not victorious with large, forward moving chords. The conclusion returns to the F/G 5 position and concludes with slowly ascending notes reminding us of the peace awaiting us in heaven.