Year B, Pentecost 6 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 I have attended a lot...
Blog Category
Humility and Community: October 1, 2023
Philippians 2:1-13 Year A, Pentecost 18 My last church was situated in a lovely and relatively small city called Hampton. We didn’t have a minor league baseball team, much less a major league...
Could it be….Satan?: July 30 2023
Year A, Pentecost 9 Romans 8:26-39 I have always loved this reading from Romans. I use it when I talk to people about prayer. ...
Satan, Baptism, Death, Oh my: June 25, 2023
Year A, Pentecost 4 Romans 6:1-11 Normally we are not fortunate enough to have a reading coincide with baptismal themes. For instance, if you were...
A piece of the weight of glory: June 6, 2021
(This will be my last post until Aug 16th as I am leaving for sabbatical.) Year B Pentecost 2 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 This may shock some of...
Marked as Christ’s Own: May 30th 2021
Year B, Trinity Sunday Romans 8:12-17 One of the parts of my job I have always enjoyed is talking with parents and Godparents before a baptism....