Year A, Pentecost 4 Matthew 10:40-42 ...
Blog Category
Month: June 2020
Weekly Announcements, June 28, 2020
Sunday Service at 10:30 am on YOUTUBE: Our service is once again pre-recorded. This allows us to include more people in our church family. You will find the service here: The link will also be posted on facebook. You can also find links...
Weekly Announcements, June 21, 2020
Dear St. John's, We are in the midst of tumultuous times. We see hope in places like our Faith Walk, for which participation has grown exponentially since it was mentioned in a sermon less than 2 weeks ago. We find hope in our continued outreach to our...
Weekly Announcements, June 14, 2020
Youth Sunday: This Sunday is our Youth Sunday, Will Klotz and Yassy Harrison will be sharing their reflections. We will also include some pictures of our children and youth. Please join us! Sunday Service at 10:30 am on YOUTUBE: Our service is once again pre-recorded....
My Bias–My Son: June 7, 2020
Year A, Trinity Sunday ...